ARK – The Faith Driven Marketplace Releases President Trump World Premiere Video

ARK – The Faith Driven Marketplace has released their newest Digital Parable™ and World Premiere video and 2024 campaign ad featuring President Donald J. Trump.

ARK is a retail tech platform and global ecosystem for 2.6 billion Christian shoppers worldwide. A digital shopping experience designed to strategically connect Christian sellers, retailers and brands to Faith Driven consumers in the US and 194 more countries worldwide.

From ARK leadership:

“As a Faith Driven Marketplace, ARK has been greatly concerned about the direction of our country since 2016 when President Trump took office. We have went from being a disciplined, moral leader and a Shining City on a Hill, to a country that is rife with corruption and chaos, false Russia collusion and J6 narratives, stolen elections, a weaponized FBI and DOJ, a horrible economy with record inflation, an invasion on our Southern border, and our precious children are being openly targeted and sexualized in culture wars with the destructive ideology of the LGBTQ and Transgender communities.

We are not the same country and we have fallen very deep into sin. We’re asking God’s forgiveness and His gracious hand upon us and call on all Americans to be diligent in prayer, morality and petition God continually for strong Christian men and women of God to assist President Trump and his incoming administration and that the Lord would give him uncommon wisdom and establish Jesus back on top of the political throne of America so help us God.

We sincerely feel President Trump is in the best position to restore American greatness in 2024.”

ARK is currently in pre-seed development with registered retailers on 6 continents and 53 nations worldwide to date, and projected to launch in Q3 2025. Christian bookstores, retailers and sellers worldwide register to open your own store and reach 468 million Faith Driven Consumers in the US and worldwide here.

ARK has a strong ministry outreach and will be holding their first inaugural FAITHx event at FAITHx Vancouver 2025 this coming December. ARK has also developed a new Christian social network at FAITHx which includes free biblical education for men featuring the BetterMan® course which educates Christian men on the biblical definition of manhood. ARK will donate 10% of all net-profit annually to FAITHx for various ministry outreaches which includes building the most modernized private Christian schools K-12 in the world with advanced level courses, STEM courses, financial literacy courses, and Christian biblical courses among others.

ARK’s US office is based in Las Vegas, their development office is in Los Angeles and their Canadian headquarters is located in Vancouver.

Christian and Faith Driven pre-seed Investors interested in joining ARK global ownership group are welcome to schedule a Discovery meeting here. ARK is a portfolio company of Faith Driven Venture Capital.

Photo Credit: NY Times

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